Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip-hop, Lyrical, Contemporary, & Technique Classes
Our dedicated dance instructors focus on quality over quantity, teaching all students proper dance technique from the very beginning and for all levels of dancers, toddler to teen, beginner to advanced, recreational to competitive. Our babies dance!
We are excited to announce our 2024-2025 class schedule!
Class ScheduleClass Schedule
Is KKD the Best Dance School for Your Child?

We know there are many dance studios out there.
You just want your child to start dance to develop their motor skills while having fun, and you’re looking forward to seeing them in a cute little outfit for ballet class. (We really love that too!)
Or, you may think all dancing schools are the same and are just searching for “dance classes near me”.
But, you don’t want to look back in a few years and realize that you wasted your time and money on dance lessons that didn’t provide adequate training as your dancer grew or on a dance program that just wasn’t the right fit for your child.
Whether they want to continue with recreational classes or wish to dance competitively or on a school team, we provide all of our students with a dance education foundation that prepares and challenges them to progress and perform to their full potential.
Learn more about our tuition-free summer dance classes.
Summer ClassesSummer Classes
What Makes Kelli’s Kreative Dance Classes Different?
☑️ Year-round open classroom viewing windows to observe classes
☑️ Cute, detailed, and appropriate costumes
☑️ Professional year-end production with entertaining choreography where the students are the stars of the show
☑️ Sprung, floating floors in every dance room to absorb shock for dancer safety. Our dancers are not dancing on floors laid on top of hard tile or concrete.
☑️ Revue seating lottery. No need to camp out or sell ads to get great seats.
☑️ No cover girl contests. No ad contests or mandatory ad sales.
☑️ Front row reserved seating at the recital during your child’s numbers for parents to watch, video, and photograph their precious dancers
☑️ All previous dance credit recognized
☑️ We work to build self-esteem, character, and love of dance in every student.
Kelli’s Kreative Dance specializes in quality and enjoyable dance lessons with guaranteed individual attention for every student to learn to dance, beginner level through advanced dance company.
We have three convenient school locations in Kenner, Mandeville, and Destrehan serving the greater metro New Orleans area, the Northshore, and the River Parishes.

We want to be there for any questions you may have.
Call us at 985-789-0691 or e-mail us at info@kelliskreativedance.com
Student Pictures and Videos