Tuition can be paid with Visa, MasterCard, and by check.
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Can I Pay Tuition by Credit Card?
Can I Pay Tuition by Check?
Can I Pay Tuition by Cash?
Can I Pay Tuition by Credit Card?
Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard!
Credit card payments may be made through the online JackRabbit Parent Portal.
There is no additional fee for using a credit card.
How to Add a New Card to Your JackRabbit Parent Portal Account
To add a credit card to your JackRabbit account:
- Logon to the parent portal
- In the main menu, click “Billing and Payments”
- Scroll down and click “Saved Payment Methods” located under Quicklinks
- Click the green + to add a new card. (If you need to update a card already on file, click “Edit” under the existing card’s details.)
- Enter the card details. If you want this to be your primary card that is charged, toggle the switch to “Make Primary”.

Can I Pay Tuition by Check?
We still accept checks. Checks can be mailed or placed in the boxes in the waiting rooms.
Please write the student’s name on the memo line of every check.
Where do I Mail Payments?
Check payments can be mailed to the following address:Kelli’s Kreative Dance
5005 Sharp Road
Mandeville, LA 70471
Please put the student’s name on the memo line of all checks.
Can I Pay Tuition with Cash?
Cash payments are always strongly discouraged and should never be sent through the mail.
There are no receipts for cash payments. If you pay with cash, please put payment in a sealed envelope with the student’s name on the outside of the envelope and place it in the waiting room tuition box.
For more information about tuition, please see our studio policies.
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